How to Write Active Dialogue
Writing dialogue is tricky. It seems like it should be the simplest part of the process, because we’re all familiar with what conversations sound like. There’s a difference, though, between a conversation you might have and how to write active dialogue in your story.

Tag, You're It! Using Dialogue Tags Effectively
Dialogue tags are invisible and useful when done well, but they can kick a reader out of a story so quickly when they aren’t. Let's talk about which ones work, and which are less effective.

Writing Realistic Dialogue
When done right, writing realistic dialogue isn’t simple because people aren’t. Here are some tips and tricks for writing dialogue that sounds natural and fits the character who’s speaking.

How to Write Picture Book Description
With only 600 words to work with, there’s not much space for picture book description. Let’s make every word count and bring your story to life.

Interrupted Dialogue
If you've been wondering how to format interrupted dialogue in your manuscript, here's a quick answer.

Trust Your Reader
Among popular bits of advice—create empathetic characters, avoid rhetorical questions, try starting with an outline—“trust your reader” is often overlooked. Here’s how to trust your reader to understand what you’re trying to show.