Adding Emotions to Memoir
Stories are memorable because of how they make us feel. Writing memoir means remembering and possibly reliving the emotions tied to the experience. I’ve come to think of it as a two-step process.

From Fiction to Creative Nonfiction
Everyone has a story to tell. But what if you’ve only ever written fiction? Maybe it’s time to try something new. Writing your life stories is a great way to expand your writer’s craft toolbox and will add creative nonfiction to your writing portfolio.

3 Writing Practices To Make You A Better Memoir Writer
If you’re struggling to figure out how to write your memoir or can’t seem to find the right words, here are three writing practices to make you a better memoir writer and help your memories, reflections, and musings shine bright and clear.

Writing For The Reader: How To Know Who Your Memoir is For
What happens when you’ve written a memoir but find that your words aren’t resonating with readers the way you thought they would? And upon that realization, what do you do or change to bridge the gap?

Publishing Credits
If you're a non-fiction or memoir writer, here's essential advice on how to map out your path to a book deal.

Nonfiction Query Letter
A nonfiction query letter doesn't hit the same points as a fiction query letter. Here are three key elements to include in the query letter for your nonfiction project.

Writing for a Living
Many aspiring writers hope to quit their day jobs so they can pursue writing for a living, but is this a realistic goal? Here's an overview of what to expect if you want to pay the bills with your writing.
The Core of a Story with Roz Morris
Writer, writing teacher, ghost writer, and general literary icon Roz Morris joins Mary Kole for an interview on the Good Story Speaker Series. They dive into the mechanics of storytelling and discuss how to connect with your audience—whether you're writing someone else's story or your telling your own.

How to Overcome Writer’s Block: Memoir Edition
Many writers run into some form of writer’s block, but nonfiction and memoir writers have certain challenges to overcome writer’s block that fiction writers don’t face. Someone writing a novel can simply … make up what happens next. But memoir writers can feel constrained by wanting to be true to reality.

Creative Nonfiction
Nonfiction gets a bad rap for being dry and dull, but it doesn’t have to be. Many of the same liberties can be taken in creative nonfiction as in fiction. If you have something important to share with the world from your own life, this may be your category. Some literary flair can amp up your story and make it more approachable to your readers.

Nonfiction Children’s Books
Find your niche in the nonfiction children’s book market using these timely takeaways.

Nonfiction Article Vs Book
Do you have an idea for a nonfiction project? Ask yourself these questions before deciding if your idea is book-worthy, or if it makes more sense as an article.