Healing Writer Burnout
Writer burnout is a cousin to writer’s block, with a few key differences. Both states leave you feeling like you should write, you need to write, but you just can’t. I’ll share five tips that’ll help you recover from writer burnout.

Our Editors’ Favorite Books of 2023
We asked the editors over at Good Story Editing for their favorite books of 2023. Hear their answers and add some books to your 2024 TBR!

Organize Your TBR: Writer's Edition
Getting your reading life together is particularly important for writers, because reading widely and voraciously is one of the best ways to learn your craft. But there are so many books! How do you prioritize what to read?

Daily Writing Practice: Five Tips For Writing More
Having a daily writing practice is one of the best ways to improve your writing. The more you write, the more you’re able to learn about your style and voice. So, here are five tips to make this dream a reality.

What’s After NaNoWriMo?
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is an intense time for writers who participate. I hope it was everything you were looking for. But the end is near. What’s next?

So, you got a query rejection.
Query rejection hurts. You’re putting your shiny new novel out into the world, just for people to say “no, thank you.” Here are some of the best ways to deal with a query rejection.

Why Rewriting A Book Isn’t A Bad Thing
Rewriting a book may seem like a daunting task, but it’s worth it. Not only will rewriting develop your narrative, but it’ll make you a better writer. Here’s how.

Writing Under a Pseudonym
Many authors write under a pseudonym, also known as a pen name. If you think writing under an alias is in your future, here are some criteria to help you decide. I’ve also got some tips on how best to come up with one.

How to Be a Writing Buddy
How is a writing buddy different from a critique partner or writing partner? The terms are often used interchangeably, but I happen to think that a “writing buddy” is friendlier. So here’s how to be a good one, and boost your own critique and writing skills at the same time.

Marketing To Libraries
If you’ve written a book, you’re probably considering marketing to libraries—especially if you’re a self-published author. As such, you’re the direct link between your work and the rest of the world—no fancy marketing departments to help you out.
So how do you approach marketing to libraries?

40 GOOD IDEAS FOR BOOKS to Get You Inspired
Uncap those pens, pop open those PCs, and crack your knuckles. It’s time to dive into good ideas for books, and how to brainstorm. Good Story Company is here to help you stay inspired with our quirky list of good ideas for books.

How to Write a Novel Synopsis
One of the most difficult parts of submitting a manuscript or query to an agent or publisher is figuring out how to write a novel synopsis. That task is different every time and for every book. Just like the task of writing each book is different and calls upon different skills, crafting a synopsis for each manuscript is different, as well.

Books to Read: A Fresh TBR with Good Story Book Club
If you’re a book nerd like us, you’re always on the lookout for books to read. Doesn’t matter that the TBR stack is out of control. To stay up to date on fresh new reads, we invite you to join our Good Story Book Club!

How to Organize Your Writing
If you’re a beginning writer, you may be wondering how to organize your writing. Working on a novel means you’ll have lots of bits and pieces to keep track of: character and setting notes, plot outlines, reference photos, versions of your manuscript, notes to yourself, quotes and inspiration to keep you going when the going gets tough...yikes!

Before You Hit “Submit”
Typing “the end,” either literally or figuratively, after spending many months on a project is worthy of celebration. The logical next step is querying. But before you begin to query, there are some critical steps to take.

A Million Bad Words
In order to write, you have to WRITE! Spending time learning theory, taking classes, and reading books are beneficial, but ultimately it is practice that will make you a better writer. Learn how a million bad words can turn into a good story.

Finding Time to Write
Finding time to write can sometimes seem impossible. If you have a packed schedule due to school, your day job, or multiple day jobs, you may think it’s impossible to start your novel, let alone finish it. Here are some ways to carve out time in your day to write.

Make Writing Resolutions That Stick
Winter is the perfect season to establish your writing resolutions and form the habits that will lead to better productivity. There is so much you could accomplish in the year ahead! Read on for tips on how to develop—and crush!—your writing resolutions.

Writing for a Living
Many aspiring writers hope to quit their day jobs so they can pursue writing for a living, but is this a realistic goal? Here's an overview of what to expect if you want to pay the bills with your writing.

Self Care for Writers During the Holidays
The importance of self care is gaining momentum in the world, but this time of year especially, when there are so many demands on our time, it can feel more like selfish care, like everything else is worthier of our attention. But the truth is, if there’s a story inside you, you should tell it. And the only way that will happen is if you make the time.