Tracking Your Submissions
If you spend some time getting organized before you query, it will make tracking your submissions more productive and (hopefully) less stressful.

Query Smart
Query smart by making sure you’re targeting agents and editors who want what you’re writing.

Changing Literary Agents
One of the most difficult experiences for an author is changing literary agents. Sometimes, as much as many hate to admit it, seeking out new representation becomes necessary. If a relationship between an author and their agent isn’t productive, it can often be worse than having no agent at all.

So, you got a query rejection.
Query rejection hurts. You’re putting your shiny new novel out into the world, just for people to say “no, thank you.” Here are some of the best ways to deal with a query rejection.

Picture Book Word Count
How long can a picture book manuscript be? What if mine’s much longer? Or much shorter? Will I be automatically rejected by an agent? What if my story needs those words? Are there different lengths for different types of picture book manuscripts?
Let’s answer these questions.

Nonfiction Query Letter
A nonfiction query letter doesn't hit the same points as a fiction query letter. Here are three key elements to include in the query letter for your nonfiction project.

Elements of a Query Letter
One query letter sent to the right agent … and an offer of representation comes your way! Of course we writers stress about our queries. We’ve poured so much into our manuscripts, and we only get a few hundred words to pitch them! Let’s go over the elements of a query letter to improve your chances of getting that wonderful phone call one day.

Query Letter for Picture Book
An enticing query letter can be your foot in the door with an agent or publisher. Here are the elements to include in a strong query letter for a picture book.

Communicating with Literary Agents
Communicating with literary agents is an important part of the querying process. Here are some communication do's and don'ts that'll give you the best shot at receiving a response to your query.

Manuscript Submission
You’re ready to take the next step, but manuscript submission can feel overwhelming. (Am I the only one who hadn’t heard anyone use the word ‘query’ in a hundred years before entering publishing?) Let’s take a zoomed-out look at what manuscript submission is and look at some resources that can help you with the process.

How to Find a Literary Agent for Children’s Books
You’ve written a killer query, researched your comps, and crafted your bio. Your opening is polished, and you slogged through the synopsis. Your submission package is ready! Now, how do you go about finding a literary agent for your children’s books?

How To Write a Query Letter
One way you might think about how to write a query letter is as a cover letter. It has its own rules and formatting for the literary world, but essentially you are pitching your project to your potential employer. So, what are the rules? How do you start?

The Unagented Submission
Writers are usually advised against braving the publishing world without an agent to represent them. Yet, unagented submissions exist for a reason, and there’s a time and place when they work—when they might even be the best option.

Finding Another Literary Agent
Thinking about finding another literary agent? Here are some tips to help smooth the transition.

Children's Book Illustrator Portfolio
Essential advice for illustrators on building an online home for your art to prepare for querying art reps or literary agents.

Offer of Representation
You have an offer of representation from a literary agent--now what? Here are some crucial questions to ask before you sign on the dotted line.
Novel Submission
Here's what you need for a strong novel submission package that'll stand out to agents and publishers.